Simple Ways Of Preventing And Healing Canker Sores

By Rai Micht

If you have a canker sore, you may be experiencing a lot of discomfort and pain. You are probably nervous about the sore being contagious and spreading to additional locations in your mouth or throat. You may even be worried about friends and family getting canker sores. Well there is no need to worry. Canker sores are not contagious.

Healing canker sores are not necessary as they go away on their own within one-to-two weeks. In the meantime, there are things that you can do to alleviate the pain and promote healing. The unsightly and painful skin craters are ulcers that show up without warning. Theories about what causes them vary, but it is believed they may be the result of stress or food allergies. Eating hard foods, such as chips, or spicy foods may irritate or scratch the skin or gums resulting in a canker sore forming. Certain vitamin deficiency and illnesses can also account for having canker sores.

Stopping the use of toothpastes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is one way of healing canker sores. Research show that toothpastes with SLS dries out the mucus lining inside the mouth, making you more susceptible to canker sores. Majority of the toothpastes sold in the market today contain SLS.

In the meantime, healing canker sores can be done through avoiding acidic, spicy, and hard foods. These types of foods aggravate the canker sore and delay the healing time. Eat your food in smaller bites and eat soft foods. This alleviates additional irritation to the sores. Use a straw when drinking cold beverages to avoid making contact with a canker sore. When cold liquids touch a canker sore it produces a stinging sensation. Drinking through a straw helps you control the flow of liquids and prevent additional irritation.

Certain over the counter medications, prescriptions and even natural remedies can also be used in healing canker sores, as well as aid in relieving the pain and irritation that come along with canker sores. Most of the oral gels have numbing agents which numbs the area and alleviates pain when they are applied. consult your dentist or doctor to get appropriate prescriptions of anti-inflammatry gels or mouthwashes. They reduce the inflammation and aid in healing canker sores. Consider going to your dentist for help and guidance for the right remedy.

Lastly, be gentle when brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth hard and quickly can cause you to stab your cheeks and gums. This damages the mucus lining in your mouth. If you already have a canker sore that pain will be immense when your toothbrush touches it. Brushing your teeth too hard will prolong the process of healing canker sores.

Make sure to practice proper oral hygiene, brushing your teeth at least twice everyday, to help avoid infections. Make sure to rinse your mouth to remove leftover food particles after eating. Furthermore, floss your teeth correctly. Don't force the floss in between teeth if your don't fit. Forcing them may only damage your teeth, as well as possibly accidentally tearing your gums in the process.

Know that canker sores are not caused by bacteria. Canker sores are not like cold sores, which are caused by viruses and can spread through physical contact. But by following good oral hygiene practices, eating healthy meals, avoiding stress, and getting enough rest, you can work to ensure healing canker sores would be faster and easier, as well as preventing them in the future. - 29879

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